New Semester

Takde apa yang spesel sem ni, takde feeling langsung walaupun aku dah dapat apa yang aku nak selama ni. Kawan ramai, kawan baru pun ramai, nak bertegur pun still segan2,well itu dah kebiasaan, lama-lama nanti dah pandai pukul kawan(secara gurauan lah, hahaha).
Walaupun aku ada semua tu, kebahagiaan tu dah ade.. tapi aku rasa sangat sunyi. Macam ada yang still missing in me.

Banyak benda aku nak cerita pasal first day untuk sem baru ni, tapi mood tak sampai.
Hari ni dah start kelas, tapi aku dah agak lecturer takkan masuk punya, so nasib lah aku ponteng, tido lagi best dari duk menunggu cam orang bodo kat depan pintu kelas tapi lecturer tak muncul-muncul.. maybe diorang tengah busy handle budak baru. Nak wat camne kan?

p/s : "I ignore texts. I let the phone ring. I log off of Facebook chat. Its nothing personal, but people need to realize that sometimes I just dont want to talk."

Final Exam Result Sem 2~

Memandangkan kengkawan aku smua dah tunjuk result diorang ngan bangganya.. aku pun nak tunjuk gak lah. haha

Alhamdulillah la pointer aku meningkat la jugak, dari Sem 1 punya result 3.17 je dan Sem 2 naik ke 3.41.. :D
sikit lagi nak masuk Dean List, but oh well, next sem still ada chance. Insyaallah.

p/s : "when I was younger I remember watching two drops of rain roll down your window and pretending it was a race."

Handphone, oh.. handphones #1

Like seriously freakin' oh-my-gawd.
I'm like searching and surverying and browsing for new handphones like crazy. I freakin' hate my old phones (no offense to my older sisters) cuz every phone I own they gave me are broken, I'm almost 20 and I still don't have my own handphone bought by my own money. (well in this case I might use my PTPTN money lol XD)

So shall we check out my previous h.phones?

( 1 )

So here's my very first phone I used when I was 11-12 something. classic nokia is classic.. goold old times. haha.

( 2 )

2nd is Nokia Xpress Music 3500 I used when I was 14 until 17,
i kept changing those freakin' batteries every twice a year and chargers are seriously stupid.
i even replaced new housing cuz the keypads and the red rubber cover is torned. i hated it.
I've wasted my money buying 2gb memory card just to listen mp3 songs. but end up stupid.
but I gave it to my lil sister, she gave up later on it anyways. haha
oh yeah, i love the camera tho :D

( 3 )

Ok this is my personal favourite given by my sis, iPhone 3G she said she hated touchscreen when she started using this so she gave it to me. hey i liked it cuz its a TOUCHSCREEN.

The problem is that this Iphone is made of CHINA. so yeah, pretty much a broken product.
no wonder my sis hated it, the screen keeps on appearing like a tv losing it signals then soon touchscreen is not so touchy anymore. UNLESS, i had to wait till its out of battery. then re-charge, voila! it's getty touchy again. I have been patient for a year enduring the problem,but in the end, the battery's broken.. oh to buy another battery might cost me bullocks !
LOL .. so rather than buy a new battery and fix it, i might as well just get a new one -.-

( 4 )

Last and current i'm using now, is a flipped phone Sony Ericsson Z610i

nothing's bad about the phone spec but what's the problem now is the backcover dah pecah/retak cuz I accidently dropped it like 10th times, slammed on the ground.
It pissed me off that they barely sell the housing around this place, they got it online shops but yeah sure if i have paypal i would've bought it a hundred years ago u__u
It was so funny that I had to put super glue paste so that the backcover and the battery stays at it is. but after another slam on te ground, the backcover finally shattered.. in.. pieces T__T
in the end i had to use rubber strap to not let the battery fall. but it pissed me off the most is when i was typing long texts it just shut off.. %^&*($%^

so that's it, i'm getting a new one. with my own money this time. -.-

Good news comes WORST

Oh God, next semester i'm about to feel hell.

I was finally getting the feel of a new atmosphere regarding my acceptence to new dorm college I've always dreamed of. In order to know it better inside out, I checked out who's my soon-to-be-roommates through their FB profiles since I've already know their names in room lists.

Holy crap, judging by the outer appearance, that person ain't the kind of type that would get along with us (me and my other classmate friend). Been there done that, through their friends, by their writings. Even not-so-nice replies. heh..

I knew I'm gonna regret this later. And I thought I finally would be in a good state but damn hell on earth has already awaits for my arrival.

Well i supposed i have to keep my cool as long as no childish fights happening, be mature no matter how bad it may seems. May God stay with us. A barrier that'll surround us.

Listen this, soon-to-be-roommate:

Hurt me; I'm cool. Hurt my friend ; Feel my wrath.

Pengaruh Game

Kalau nak tau, aku dilahirkan dalam keadaan agak tomboyish, sejak kecik lagi aku dah minat ngan game. Tu pun game tembak2, perang pompuan ada la jugak mcm mickey mouse, game memasak gitu tapi takde la sampai main game barbie2 ni. hahaha XD

Ni pengaruh dari abang aku sbenarnya. Time tu aku still dlm umur 6-7 tahun, aku duk sbelah dia tengok dia main, so biasa la, tengok lama2 mesti ada hati try gak main kan.
So sampai la besar, aku slalu main 2-player ngan abang aku, game lawan ke.
Kawan2 dia dtg umah pun aku challenge diorang lawan ngan aku.
Bila menang, bangga gila aku. hahaha

Yang tersengih2 kat kamera aku la, duk atas riba ayah aku,
sbelah tu abang aku main game, diperhatikan oleh mak aku :)

(lokasi di rumah lama kitorang)

Tapi memang satu family aku semua kaki-game, start paling2 awal pun ayah aku yang punca kitorang minat gila kat game.
secara kronologi nye camni la dari kecik sampai skang abah takkan give up beli console game.

1) Nintendo classic
2) Playstation 1
3) Nintendo Dreamcast
4) Nintendo Gameboy
5) Playstation 2
6) Nintendo Gameboy Advanced
7) PSP
8) Playstation 3 (baru je tahun ni)

kata ayah nak beli XBOX360 lak. haha tapi tengok rezeki mencukupi boleh la.
PSP aku rosak, skrin pecah dlm tp ayah ckp nak baiki nanti,boleh la aku bawak ke kampus. hehe
tapi skang, semua tu dah takde, sebab ayah aku jual satu per satu untuk beli yg baru,
Nak beli PS2 ayah jual Dreamcast dan PS1, nak beli PS3 ayah jual PS2.
So buat masa skang, PS3 dan PSP je satu2 nya ada ngan kitorang skang.

aish, kalau nak diikutkan, dah penuh 1 almari ngan cd/dvd game saje.
usang ke tak, simpan je, dah itu dah dianggap harta pusaka family.

Dah bila aku membesar, aku tak ikut dah jejak abg aku, aku dah ada taste sndiri main game.
bila dah besar, internet dah ada, main game kat pc lak. Iaitu 'Online game'

Feveret genre aku waktu zaman sekolah menengah:

(Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)

fuh sejak aku main game ni, macam2 orang dari luar negara aku kenal, mat saleh ke, tak kira.
Best siot kot. Tapi sejak tu gak, aku bleh improve english skills aku secara tak sengaja. haha

Apa2 pun, kurang dah minat aku bila dah nak habis zaman sekolah, jejak langkah masuk universiti, aku fokus kat melukis je.
Rindu dan gatal tangan nak pegang controller game tu selalu ada. tapi waktu cuti je la aku main game online ngan kawan2 lelaki aku, kawan2 pompuan habiskan cuti kat dapur, fesbuk, lepak2 gi shopping, tp aku ngadap lappy 24 jam sminggu menyumpah mati-matian kat musuh game aku. hahaaha!
tapi takde la smpai anti social ngan idup, mestilah bila kawan aku kluar lepak aku gi gak.

Aku pun nak hidup ! XD

So nak kata kitorang fanatik game ni tak jugak, tapi kitorang ni kipas-susah-mati ah!
Kalau boleh aku nak kekalkan generasi ber-game sampai mati.

Bak kata orang,
"main game je bila nak pandai? takde masa depan tau!"

ehem, iye ke, aku punya adik beradik smua kaki game, kakak2 aku dah graduate dr Universiti, kerja pun dah.
Aku ngan abang aku berjaya masuk universiti, masa depan dah tercapai.
Jangan pandang rendah kat kaki-gamers. Kitorang pun ada otak.


Blog = Kutuk orang?

Tu bukan blogging namanye oi. tu nak cari nahas, makan diri.
serius la, kalau nak kutuk orang ke, even ada kawan sendiri bleh tau yang dia kena tikam dari blakang tau, tu pun secara public, kalu iye pun nak kutuk orang,lepas geram, diari kan ada.
Bleh la set tarikh sendiri, lokasi lagi, tak perlu bazir letrik tulis memanjang sampai 1000 patah perkataan semata2 nak cakap pasal dia sorang.

Salah la, even aku dah penah sekali terasa sangat2 bila terbaca salah satu blog kawan yang secara terang2 kutuk aku, wait. bukan aku sorang, banyak lagi mangsa dia.

Hipokrit 1 lagi masalahnya.
Dah tau kutuk dia tu sebab perangai dia buruk, watpe nak layan lagi kat depan2 dia?

Bila orang kutuk balik mesti la terasa kan?

Pikir balik, kalau nak serious dalam blogging, cakap pasal kehidupan sendiri je,
jangan nak sebok cakap pasal orang lain.

Manusia tu walaupun tak sempurna tapi masih boleh lihat,dengar, dan rasa.
Kalau aku rasa, korang pun boleh rasa kan?

So hati-hatilah,ini nasihat aku kepada seorang rakan aku kat luar sana. :)

The moment I fell for someone

I felt silly.
and ridiculous.

Love at first sight always end up a dead end.
I hate this kind of feeling the most, when I think about that person, I feel embarrassed..
Cuz he lives in a different world than mine. His friends doesn't look like the kind that would accept me in their group.

I laughed at myself, thinking that there is no way he would fall for someone like me.
Although everytime we bump into each other and he he said hi to me and all that, I had this delusions. It's stupid.
When I think about it again, ahh.. they are just MANNERS.

Manners to be polite with someone he just met.
But that manners caused someone like me to feel 'perasan' and think he probably likes me too.

"Idiot ! Idiot ! Idiot !"
I can't fall for him. I shouldn't.
He only see me as somebody else's friend and he just doesn't want to be rude.

I have turned down many guys before, honestly..
I have hurt some of them, I'm a ass,a jerk.
I couldn't even ask them to be friends only, cuz I know what they'll think.
They will get hurt more or have more advantage to make me fall for them if we become friends anyhow.

Not gonna happen.

Same goes to my class, I see everyone as brothers and sisters.
Like me, I can't accept them. I'm hard as a steel.
I want friendship, not a relationship.

My friends supported me into these things, a love life.
But I have no confidence at all.

ah whatever..

Love is ...


Ah my bed..

It's pretty hard to wake up once you land on the bed, but in my case, I couldn't sleep when I land on my bed with my lappy on my lap. -___-"

just look at the time now, it's already 3 freaking in the morning.. just to renovate this blog, yeah something need to be said through wall-of-texts somehow, so blog is the place for me. kesian kat orang kat facebook tengok wallpost aku every 30 minutes lol...

well next sem i'll probably get some celcom berukband, so I can online 24/7 from later on xD
couldn't rely much on dorm wifi, it makes you shiet bricks waiting for it to connect.

oh well, i gotta call it a day. I wanna eat some kueh-mueh mom will make this noon :D ..
looking forward. Good night and good morning.


Setelah 3 bulan lebih tak balik rumah kat Kelate, macam-macam perubahan lah ada sejak aku duk Perak. Aku bertolak malam kelmarin(30 April) pukul 9:30mlm gitu, sampai2 dalam pukul 5:30pg(1 Mei).
Duk dalam bas 8 jam sejuk tak terkata ar, dah siap pakai 3 lapis baju termasuk jaket, selimut lagi ngan sweater. Tapi nasib ar dapat seat tepi tingkat, bleh sandar2 kat cermin sambil intai2 luar.
Feeling nak balik kampung tu memang awesome ah sangat, maklumla aku suka mengelamun.haha

Bila dah sampai,kawan aku tolong kejutkan, dalam situasi yang mamai dah kebas kaki sebab sejuk gila,siot lak bateri henpon aku dah mampus, terpaksa pinjam kawan punya henpon nak call abah mai amik aku. Dalam 30 minit kemudian abah sampai,tersenyum sipu aku sorang2, balik umah dalam pukul 6:20pg gitu.. intai bilik mak, mak gi solat subuh kat surau kot. aku heret beg aku masuk bilik aku ngan air mata berair2 sbb dapat hidu bau rumah yang tak ubah-ubah.. haha macam bertahun-tahun lak tak penah balik.
Belum lagi nak landing atas katil, perut aku lapar, aku gi dapur takde lauk, tunggu mak balik je la.

sambil2 tu On router wireless, aku online jap. dalam pukul 7 kot mak da balik, salam2.
cecite cecite sket, pastu mak ajak breakfast gulai daging ngan nenek, dan sedara mara.. perghh sedap sangat.
tapi yang aku tak tahannya gulai kambing, ada kepala kambing o.o .. pakcik aku(adik kpd mak aku) nikmat gila nmpak makan otak kambing tu macam makan mi. aku ngan kazen aku wat muka macam takbleh blah. haha.. mmg aku tak makan kambing >.>

lepas makan, aku terus tido sebab tak tahan sakit badan duk dalam bas lama sangat.
sampai la pukul 12 lebih,tak mandi lagi, intai dapur dulu,online jap, pukul 1 baru mandi.
best nye mandi shower air panas.

Abang pun cuti gak skang, komputer selalu online gaming 24/7. nasib aku ada lappy sendiri.

Yang aku paling nak gila excited nye bila abg bgtau aku..
dlm pelat kelate kitorang,conversation aku ngan abg.
Abg : "weh, abah beli PS3,ado dlm bilik abg"
Aku: "jolo ko" (ye ke) ..
Abg : "ho la, tok cayo gi tgk"
Aku berlari ke bilik abg, mata aku terbeliak luas, senyum mengalahkan kambing, aku melompat2 mcm dpt result spm 10A lak.

"PS3 !? WAHHH!!! bila masa abah beli PS3!? ohh game final fantasy XIII!!
gilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa arrhh"

well itu reaksi spontan aku, pecut ke lappy, post kat fb lagi

well apa lagi, main kejap, gaya style duduk main game tak ubah sejak dulu, kali terakhir aku pegang controller game ni maybe time zaman SPM, time tu la aku dah mula give up main game, brenti tgk anime, dah kurang beli komik..

Sejak langkah masuk U, lagi la berkurang minat aku, cuma hobby melukis still kekal lah of coz :D

ah apa pun, aku dah balik kepada blogging sementara cuti sem sampai 28/5 ni ~ let's roll!

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what can you see from an AB-blood type carrier? ;) I can swear, I even cry. I can hurt you, I can listen to ur mind and I will make u suffer. haha just kidding :)
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- New handphone - Aim for Dean list - Save PTPTN money till the end of semester - get along with new people


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